case study: tapping into in-store behavior for app improvements

business challenge

A leading grocery retailer faced a challenge: upgrading its mobile app. They needed to comprehend customer satisfaction levels, identify glitches, and fill in the functionality gaps as perceived by their customers. But the question was, how could they observe these aspects while customers used the app during their in-store shopping?

bellomy solution

Bellomy conducted in-person user experience shop-along interviews with customers as they navigated the app while shopping. These interactions were live-streamed and recorded using a multi-cam setup. The "cart cam" captured customers' words, expressions, and body language while a screen-sharing feed recorded the in-app activities on the customer's phone.

business result

This innovative method delivered key insights. It helped to identify the areas where the app needed an upgrade, clarified functionality gaps, and revealed surprising facts about the customers' low awareness regarding the app's full set of features. Consequently, the client could now outline specific ways to enhance their mobile app UX while increasing customer satisfaction. 

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